Saturday, September 27, 2008

Salicylic acid peel and acne acars

« ...Some of the home remedies for zits will work great for your acne. A few work better than others but they all are options you can try to use that are found in your kitchen cabinets. These special home remedies for zits include the following:...
...One possible cause of acne is due to hormonal changes that occur due to the separation from the mother's womb. While not all babies will be affected by baby acne, some will. Other possible reasons include reaction to formula as well as post natal medications....»
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«...Next, you also shouldn't try to wash your face too often. About twice per day should be sufficient, unless you are specifically told to do so by a qualified professional or you have special skin condition that requires more washing. Over washing may result in irritation of the skin and once again increase the chances of scarring....»
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tags: calamine lotion to treat acne, how to apply tea tree oil to prevent acne, how to remove acne marks

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