Saturday, September 27, 2008

Zinc andcystic acne

« ...Two most essential factors that make acne more regnant during pregnancy are the hormone, progesterone and altered hydration. Oftentimes, acne is not managed from bursting, but the problem itself can be held to some extent. Simply as hormonal variations during puberty can end up in an occurrence of pimples, so too can pregnancy....
...If you want to know how to remove acne marks with natural remedies than this article is for you. Most of us suffer from acne problem at one time or another. Acne occurs due to various reasons. Sometimes it appear by using lotions or cosmetics that harm your skin and causes acne. Acne also occurs if you don't take care of your skin properly. Many of us don't wash our skin and as a result our skin pores get blocked that causes acne....»
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«...You will not hear any of these facts or ideas from your typical doctor or dermatologists. Why is that? Think about it, when you go see a doctor what usually happens? They will ask you what is the problem? When you respond to the question you are thus telling him or her, your symptoms. Once the doctor knows your symptoms he will then prescribe to you some type of medication or drug to suppress the symptoms. That is just the way the system works. ...»
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tags: home remedies for acne free skin, adult acne and birth control, acne is making me break up with my gf

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