Sunday, September 28, 2008

Statistics on teenage acne

« ...You can make soap out of any of these herbs by mixing one ounce of bees wax, 1 ? tablespoons of water, and a ? cup of sweet almond oil or sunflower oil. Simply use a double boiler, and heat the wax and oil over boiling water until it is melted. Heat the water separately, and then add it to the mixture. Stir the mixture as it cools, then add 20 - 30 drops of essential oil of the herbs that you choose, or use a teaspoon of ground herbs....
...Are you one of those unfortunate souls whose social life has just vanished down the drain as your face resembles a meaty pizza, and you only dare venture out with a full facial fancy dress outfit on......»
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«...Acne is probably one of the most common skin conditions in the world. In fact, it may not be an exaggeration to say that acne affects 100 percent of the population. Most people will be at least be affected by some mild form of acne at one point in life. ...»
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tags: best acne medication for young girls, top 10 acne medication, the over-all best acne treatment reviews

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