Sunday, September 28, 2008

How do i get rid of acne

« ...One such remedy that has been very effective in removing scars is the application of tomato and cucumber juice on the face. Tomato is known to be very rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants are often used in the prevention of skin damage at the very core or cellular level. What's more, the mixture of both tomato and cucumber juice can improve your skin tone, as well as strengthen your immune system. Your skin pores are also tightened very well by this mixture....
...Rose water is the hydrosol portion of the distillate of rose petals, and is used for perfume, as a food flavoring, and is often used in religious ceremonies, either directly, or through incense. It can also be found in many cosmetic products, as it helps to moisten and soothe certain kinds of skin. If you look at many popular moisturizing creams, you'll find it as an ingredient, though normally as an "inactive" one. It will also have the benefit of making your skin's aroma quite pleasant, but that's not what we're after....»
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«...The disease is characterized by a great variety of lesions which vary from patient to patient but most patients have multiple types of lesions. Various types of lesions are comedones (black or white), pa¬pules, pustules, nodules and cysts. There may be post inflammatory Hyperpigementation, The common sites are the face, the upper chest, back and the upper arm. In milder form, the comedones predominate the picture and the pustules are relatively infrequent. In severe form, there is preponderance of inflarnmatory papules, pustules, nodules and cystic lesions. Scarring frequently follows severe type of acne....»
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tags: home remedies to get rid of acne scars, acne best scar treatment, red marks from acne cream

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