Sunday, September 28, 2008

How can i get rid of acne

« ...4. Breakfast - No strict rules here, but your breakfast should not have oily foods, junk food, food that contains a lot of additives and a lot meat. Salad with olive oil is great. Add in some cereals and remember to have some fruits in the end. Apple and oranges are the best here....
...For the treatment of acne one teaspoon of coriander juice, mixed with a pinch of turmeric powder, is another effective home remedy, used for a long time. The mixture should be applied to the face or other acne areas after thoroughly washing, every night before retiring. Mint juice can also be used in a similar manner for treating pimples or blackheads. Mint herb may be grinned to form a mask which is than applied for twenty minutes....»
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«...When using cosmetics, you should choose ones that are water based and hypo-allergenic. Do not use oil free products, coal tar derivatives, and heavy creams. In addition, you should bear in mind that wash your skin thoroughly every night to remove makeup residue....»
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tags: rid of acne fast, getting rid of redness on your cheeks from acne, illegal drugs that can cause acne

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