Monday, August 4, 2008

Exposed acne treatment reviews and natural home remadies for acne, moles, and black heads

Blackheads are caused by your pores being clogged near the top of the skin. This type of acne rarely becomes inflamed. Many people think that because blackheads are dark that they are clogged with dirt and associate it with poor hygiene. The truth is that the darkness comes from darker pigmentation not dirt.
Oregon grape is particularly effective for all types of skin problems. It stimulates bile secretions and is a glandular tonic. Through its stimulatory and regulating effect on the liver and gallbladder, it is useful in overcoming problems with constipation. It is what herbalists call a blood purifier and promotes healthy functioning of the spleen and lymphatic system. Through its combined actions it can work wonders to restore a clear, smooth complextion. Caution - Do not use either of these herbs internally during pregnancy.
I suffered from Acne from the age of 14 till I was 17. Alas there was no Internet at that time to research the different treatments and their drawbacks and benefits. Basically all I had was the local Library or Chemists.
tags: birth control and acne pills and pregnant, acne treatment reviews laser, free acne products trail

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