Thursday, July 3, 2008

Home remedies for dogs acne and skin care routine for hormonal acne

Benzoyl Peroxide is one of the most effective ingredient to treat acne. Most popular acne medications contain benzoyl peroxide as their main active ingredient. Benzoyl peroxide works by killing acne causing bacteria. Since a lot of expensive medication rely on benzoyl peroxide, you can save your money by getting a cheaper alternative of benzoyl peroxide.
Anti-oxidants can give your skin a boost and help to flush out any stagnant toxin build up which can impact your skin. Brazil nuts are an excellent source and just a few a day can have a positive impact. You may also want to consider taking an anti-oxidant supplement to help.
The matter of concern is the form of the acne which causes nodules (which are pus-filled cysts) and appear under the skin. These nodules can cause scars and these marks or scars are permanent.
tags: acne and raw food diet, foods and drinks that causes acne, home remedies detox for acne

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