Thursday, July 3, 2008

Acne during pregnancy treatments and acne scar removal

The latest treatment to get rid of acne scars is the so-called Fractional Laser Therapy. Although it uses laser, this is different from laser resurfacing. This new technology in treating acne scars works at a deeper level compared to dermabrasion and laser resurfacing. The face need not to be wounded so the skin heals faster. Usually it only takes a few hours after the therapy before the skin is completely healed. Moreover, fractional laser therapy is less expensive compared to the two methods mentioned before. Since it is so, it is not covered by any insurance. However, before one may undergo fractional laser therapy, the existing acne dilemma must be controlled. There should be not inflamed pimples, blackheads or whatsoever.
Sebum is made in much larger amounts during and right after puberty than at other times in a woman's life. Sebum then blocks pores to form whiteheads, which form under the skin, and blackheads, which are open to the air. Sebum gets accumulated in follicles. Bacterial infection thus comes in to light.
But did it work for me? Well, yes and no. My acne did clear up by the 3rd day, but after a week of enjoying clear skin, my acne came back as bad as ever.
tags: to get rid of acne home remedies, best home treatment for acne scars, where can i find mama acne scar lotion rite aid

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