Thursday, July 3, 2008

Adult tall woman with acne and acne treatments top brands

Next you need to moisturize. You might avoid this for fear of getting oily skin, but you need moisture. Use an oil free moisturizer that won't clog your pores. Your acne is caused by the clogging of your pores. In the morning, use a light lotion with an SPF of at least 15. In the evening, use a regular cream or night cream that will moisturize all night. Dove is a good choice.
Mild acne is a simple condition of the skin, minor as seen by the name. As for severe and moderate acne, it can not be cured over night. It takes usually three weeks to three months to see some form of improvement. I have theories that for moderate and severe acne food does have an affect but for mild forms of acne it does not. If you use these steps you will notice mild acne will be gone within one to three days in a majority of cases.
When you're looking to buy acne skin care products, keep your skin type in mind. Go for the ones that are specifically designed for your skin type. You also need to try using the acne skin care products you buy for at least a couple of months. If you don't see results after a few weeks of use, give it a little more time. If after two months, you still don't see any visible results, find another acne skin care product.
tags: the best make up for dry skin and acne, oral acne medication, how to cure acne scars

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