Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Whats the best procedure to remove acne scars

« ...You can make a refreshing tea from the roots by drying and then chopping and roasting them. Put 2 teaspoonfuls of them into a quarter of a litre of water and simmer for 20 minutes. Aim to drink 3 to 4 cups of this per day....
...Studies have also shown that regular intake of green tea helps lessen acne. It is just as effective as over the counter medicines without causing too much irritation on the skin. Green tea aides in detoxification and therefore, helps in the overall cleansing of the body. It also calming and refreshing which helps the body de-stress and relax....»
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«...It is often a good idea to start with a product that has lower concentration of benzoyl peroxide (e.g. 5 percent) to see how the skin responds; if a reaction occurs, a cleaner or cream containing alpha hydroxy acid should be safe. It might just be a case of trial and error to find an acne skin care product that works; if finding something that works is proving difficult, your dermatologist should be able to help. If you do need to see your doctor or skin care specialist then he may give you a prescription for antibiotics or special ointments....»
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tags: mama lotion acne scars, chemical peel acne after 1 treatment, make up brands for acne skin

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