Thursday, October 2, 2008

How to get rid of acne marks

« ...If you are doing steam facials more than the two to three times a week that is suggested, your face can actually dry out, which causes more oil to build up. More oil buildup leads to more clogged pores. There is a such thing as too much of a good thing. Don't overdo it....
...If you honestly can't decide the seriousness of your condition, head for a dermatologist or other doctor for a professional opinion. With that in hand, you'll know what sort of acne control is required. You may even end up with an acne control prescription in hand, if the battle ahead looks like a grinder. Both ProActive and Accutane are highly regarded for their effectiveness against tough acne cases, in both men and women of all ages....»
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«...That just makes things worse. When drying the skin, pat it gently; do not try to scrub it off! When it comes time to buy cosmetics, avoid those that are oil based, choose, instead, water based cosmetic. Remember to keep your self confidence intact. How you do that is up to you....»
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tags: how i cleared my acne, getting rid of cystic acne, best acne products

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