Monday, June 2, 2008

Vitamin b zinc acne and exposed acne treatment reviews

Antibiotics As acne is an infection caused by bacteria then some people try to get a doctor to prescribe an antibiotic. However there are constantly stories in the press about doctors becoming reluctant to over-prescribe antibiotics. There are more and more stories about 'super-bugs' which are resistant to antibiotics. Antibiotics can be a blunt instrument which can weaken the body's own immune system leaving you vulnerable to other infections. Outbreaks of acne can occur for several years. Who knows what are the side effects of taking an antibiotic for years on end in a ceaseless battle against acne?
While the majority of the time acne is completely harmless, it can be a terrible source of embarrassment and depression for teenagers. People only think that Acne only affects appearance. As one whose son had this condition, I have seen at first hand how distressing it can be. It does nothing for the self esteem of the sufferer. I hope that this is not forgotten.
Neutrogena Deep Pore Facewash - I give this one a generous 5 out of 5. Quite simply because; the products doesn't claim to cure your acne, like some other products do. It just claims to help reduce your acne, and thats what it most certainly does! At least for me. It works, nothing more to say about it.
tags: acne prone skin best natural moisturizer, toothpaste for acne scar removal, acne scar laser treatment augusta

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